Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Taiwan non armed anti Japanese Leader Lin Hsien tang's trip to Beijing

This article is the author of the forest for the people, he is Taiwan Wufeng Lin family descendants, a few days ago he sent this article to me, in consultation with his consent, to put it on my blog.

Was born in Taiwan, "first families"--Lin family of Wufeng Lin Hsien-tang, leading Taiwan people in developing strong-armed anti-Japanese movement during the Japanese occupation, recognized as by historians "Taiwan father of Parliament", "Taiwan nationalist leader". Recently was voted for by Taiwan network "100 years Taiwan first." But few people know, Lin Hsien-tang in the last century have Liang Qichao came to Beijing at the invitation of Mr.

Things also from 1907 Lin Hsien-tang's Japan trip to begin. The Qing Government after the defeat of the Sino-Japanese war, Taiwan was ceded to Japan. Taiwan people in carrying out massive arming of anti-Japanese war, Japan condemned for settlers massacre policy. Taiwan historian Wang Hsiao-Po statistics: 50 years of Japanese occupation, under 4 million population of Taiwan island, by armed anti-Japanese were kill Taiwan more than 650,000 people. In the gory days, Taiwan compatriots after a failed uprising, not willing to being mixed slavery, but could not find a way out, therefore distressed, worried. Suffering children of the family forest of Chinese culture and offered Church, is one of them.

In 1907, the 27 year old Lin Hsien-tang heard that the reform movement leader of Liang Qichao in Japan newspaper and would like to listen to him on Taiwan's future, so carrying Secretary of Gansu in SLA to Japan Yokohama is asking for Liang Rengong, but looking for several days is not the case. When you are ready to return to Taiwan via Nara, came across unexpectedly in the hostel Liang Gong. Since two people the language barrier, had sketches on paper. Lin Hsien-tang of Taiwan compatriots to be heard, unfortunately, to the Liang Gong for advice how to anti-Japanese, Frank Leung wrote: "China in the next 30 years, broken no ability to help people fighting for freedom. Taiwan compatriots not to act rashly, and for (for) unnecessary sacrifice, it is best to follow Ireland people against British national means of thick knot Japan Central politicians of a prominent, to pin down Taiwan politics of the Government House, makes it not too much oppression "(Chronicle of the Lin Hsien-tang Memorial set volume a).

Lin Hsien-tang think of Liang Gong on the very good point, immediately invited Liang Qi-Chao's optional day visit to Taiwan. In March 1911, Liang Gong carried eldest daughter Tang Juedun visited Xian and friend access. Lin Hsien-tang rate Taiwan patriotic poetry societies--"Lishe" key members went to Keelung to meet, and Liang Gong to Wufeng, Taichung Lin family stay for a few days. Lin family garden five GUI building during which they discuss the unarmed anti-Japanese plan. At the same time and Lishe Shiyou responsory, baishou on wrote patriotic poems.

Since then more than 30 years, Lin Hsien-tang lead Taiwan people carry out vigorous the "setting up Parliament petition campaign", "cultural association movement" non-armed anti-Japanese struggle in Taiwan keep cultural roots of the Chinese nation, "Gandhi" Taiwan father of the nation.

In 2007, the Taiwan book limited published volumes of building Taiwan scholars make smart and delicate edit the book of Liang Qi-chao and Lin Hsien-tang from letters, collected over more than 50 letters correspondence between the two copies of color. Revealed for the first time a few letters of which Liang Qichao's invitation of Lin Hsien-tang in the spring of 1913, across the Straits, the trip to Beijing.

In 1911, Liang Qi-Chao's Taiwan trip back to Japan, of September indirect Yuan Shikai Telegraph, invited him to the Beijing Office of the Chief of the financial level, because of his fare with no, from Yokohama to call Lin Hsien-tang, borrowed thousands of dollars. Kendo immediately send 1000 yen, but he and Don nephew, founder of Lishe Lin Youchun strongly object to the Presidency of Yuan Shi-kai Liang Qi-Chao's financial Chief. Lin Youchun specifically written to persuade Liang Gong and Sun Yat-Sen's Kuomintang cooperation of the South. On June 26, 1912, Lin Hsien-tang mentioned in the letter to Liang Qi-Chao's March the same year Lien Heng by Taiwan back to the Mainland of the motherland, he has asked Lien Heng with 600 Yen to Liang Qichao, improving the situation of Liang Qi-Chao's life constraints.

In October 1912, Liang Qichao from Japan after returning from array of some of the original establishment of the constitutional monarchy of the Democratic Party, dependent on the theft of a provisional President Yuan Shikai of the outcome of the revolution, and became its Chief of Cabinet of the Ministry of justice. In early 1913, Liang Qi-Chao's letter invited Lin Hsien-tang for Beijing visit, grateful for Lin Hsien-tang on the economy he sponsored, and secondly for Lin Hsien-tang introduced a number of senior government officials also want.

Liang Qichao's travelling to Beijing at the invitation of Lin Hsien-tang on March 19, 1913. Before you go, he wrote in a letter to Liang Rengong: "read the newspapers, gun-shy, potential separation of North and South of sth Lest the rumor, and leaves a Grand Prix, endanger fundamental ear. Effect of Mr Lord said of centralized, mainly fruit can practice this policy by machine at this time for consolidation of sth Sacrifice Church live in seclusion abroad, blue for many years, to when not leading Qing instruct regrets, we will screen all removal, buy oar westbound, pay a formal visit of periods when not far. "The beginning of 1913, supported Yuan Shikai to be imperialist powers, under the KMT people pain killers, the assassination of Song Jiaoren. Forced to challenge the KMT, Sun Yat-Sen, Huang Xing launched anti-Yuan called southern provinces "second revolution", forming potential of the North-South confrontation. Hot-pan of the motherland strong, recovering Taiwan by Lin Hsien-tang, after the overthrow of the Qing dynasty, was split into North and South of the Republic of great powers, worry, this is his mission to Beijing, a look in the first place.

Before his departure on March 19, Lishe nerd of all my colleagues in the party to the founder of the poetry society forest (Lin Juntang) no stuffy cottage, as Lin Hsien-tang, and Tang nephew forest owned Rui (Xudong) going-away. Nerd Word is assigned a Prime Minister presented the Xiang Lin spring night months (Huang Xuezhou rhyme, sent and offered Church West China, the South and when advocating separation): "looking south, railing spirit fly to Sao. Dan language quite bitter and hate smoking, outside daylight often fainted. Jing buy sail Xidu, home town of flower alone, farewell residual spring; envy to make a ' the seas, Yuan long was not old, heroism still exists. Future detail, Mei Wong section near man in Wu. Wu Xianghuang Temple, listen to, and Jade Flute SOBs, blows. Feeling strange fatality about, Osmunda cinnamomea var see bean, fried to the same root. Water wrinkle, count rippled by? Injuries in tears, empty wet flaps of trace. "(≪< Liang Qi-chao and Lin Hsien-tang exchanges letters >>154 page) Word is filled with Lishe colleagues worried separating North and South on the Mainland of the motherland.

The beginning of May 1913, Lin Hsien-tang and forest owned Swiss was placed outside the front door of Liang Qichao came to Beijing Jintai hotel in the West River Bank Street, No. 240. In early Republic of China Jintai hotel where is it now? Just when I find no doors, dedicated Ms Wu Xiaoshan (former publicity Director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Beijing) looking around, and finally find out the ins and outs of Jintai hotel. Before this century is famous for its new hotels in Beijing, the first hostel was once the old Beijing roaring business. It like a broken old man, had witnessed since the revolution event, big man. Wuchang uprising Shouyi hero Zhang Zhenwu, was Yuan Shi-kai cheat to Beijing killed, into Beijing Hou will live in this Jintai hotel; to then don't Cambridge under a poems renowned at home and abroad of Crescent sent poet Xu Zhi-Mo 's, initial to Beijing examination into Peking University matriculation, will stayed Yu Jintai hotel; was Sun Yat-Sen confer posthumously for Army General of Peng family valuables, is leased Jintai hotel of carriage, to fried died Qing big wigs benign Bute, own also unfortunately sacrifice. Today the West River Bank Street has withered and dilapidated, old House although in Jintai hotel, but has changed to "feed in hostel", by private contract.

Lin Hsien-tang after two people live in Jintai hotel, Liang was busy, did not immediately went to visit them, but were sent to five tickets for the tour to the summer palace. After the Qing Xuantong Emperor abdicated Puyi on February 12, 1912, his summer resort also lifted opening the summer palace. Liang Qi-Chao said in a letter delivery: "on the instructions of the summer palace tour vouchers five, (on 5th may at any time, more than our advance shall inform) how to swim, look, see, as shown in the future so telegraphed. This offered Don my brother on Kai Chiu ". This letter can be seen, the summer palace was open, not some people when you can visit, as the Chief of Cabinet of the Ministry of Justice of Liang Qi-Chao's nature has this privilege.

Lin Hsien-tang in addition to tour outside the imperial city and monuments such as the summer palace in Beijing, is under Liang Qichao's referral, some officials called on Yuan Shikai's Cabinet. According to analysis by the author, Lin Hsien-tang may met with the Cabinet of close ties with Liang Gong, Prime Minister and Finance Chief Xiong Xiling. Followed his teacher Liang Qi-Chao Kang Youwei and strive to achieve a constitutional monarchy in China in the process, having suffered repeated setbacks in Yuan Shikai bury the Republic after the restoration of monarchy, would break with the Yuan completely, to join the ranks of the anti-Yuan. His change of position was also supported by Lin Hsien-tang and Lishe members of. Liang Lin in the history of communication, whether in Taiwan or Chinese history of modern history, have become a section of the story, but also for Taiwan compatriots made special contributions to the history of anti-Japanese.

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